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Title: EUVECA - European Platform for Vocational Excellence in Health Care
Type of funding: 
Coordinator:  REGION SYDDANMARK (RSD), Denmark
Principal researcher at UL ZF: doc. dr. Matic Kavčič
Period: 1.6.2022 – 31.5.2026

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Title: A European initiative for capacity building to meet challenges of caring for people with neurodegenerative disorders in Sri Lanka
Type of funding: ERASMUS+
Coordinator:  Hoegskolan Kristianstad, Sweden
Principal researcher at UL ZF: pred. dr. Katarina Galof
Period: 15.1.2021 – 14.1.2025

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Title: Genetic and Genomic Nursing Education, GenoNurse
Type of funding: ERASMUS+
Coordinator:  Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Principal researcher at UL ZF: dr. Marija Milavec Kapun
Period: 1. 2. 2022 – 31. 1. 2025


Title: Undergraduate Physiotherapy Pain Science Curriculum Augmentation Project, UppScale
Type of funding: ERASMUS+
Coordinator: University College Dublin, Ireland
Principal researcher at UL ZF: izr. prof. dr. Alan Kacin
Period: 17. 1. 2022 – 16. 1. 2024


Title: Clinical reasoning in nursing/midwifery education and clinical practice
Type of funding: ERASMUS+
Coordinator:  UC LIMBURG vzw (UCLL), Belgium
Principal researcher at UL ZF: viš. pred. Dr (Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske) Ljubiša Pađen
Period: 1. 2. 2022 – 31. 7. 2024

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Title: Provide producers with fit-for-purpose knowledge to develop new sustainable food chain models improving their revenue and enhancing consumers’ satisfaction
Type of funding: ERASMUS+
Coordinator: Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires, France
Principal researcher at UL ZF: doc. dr. Mojca Jevšnik
Period: 1. 9. 2020 – 31. 8. 2023

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Title: Empowering Personal Caregivers and Personal Assistants by developing Technical, Soft and Digital Skills
Type of funding: ERASMUS+
Coordinator: José Manuel Silva, Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Mari
Principal researcher at UL ZF: pred. dr. Manca Pajnič
Period: 1. 10. 2020 – 30. 9. 2022

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Title: Developing Teachers' and Nursing Students' Competencies in Digital Nursing
Type of funding: ERASMUS / EAC
Coordinator: Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Principal researcher at UL ZF: viš. pred. dr. Marija Milavec Kapun
Period: 15. 11. 2020 - 14. 11. 2023

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Title: OPtimal strategies to retAIN and re-use water and nutrients in small agricultural catchments across
Type of funding: Horizon 2020
Coordinator: Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
Principal researcher at UL ZF: doc. dr. Darja Istenič
Period: 1. 9. 2020 – 31. 8. 2025

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Title: 4 steps for healthy babies, healthy families, healthy nations
Type of funding:  Erasmus EU Asia project / Capacity building -
Coordinator: Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Principal researcher at UL ZF:  doc. dr. Ana Polona Mivšek
Period: 1. 11. 2019 – 31. 10. 2022
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Title: Computational materials sciences for efficient water splitting with nanocrystals from abundant elements
Type of funding: EU/COST
Coordinator:  TECHNION - Israel Institute of Technology
Principal researcher at UL ZF: doc. ddr. Klemen Bohinc
Period: 18. 11. 2019 - 17. 11. 2023

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Title: EdiCitNet, Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities
Type of funding: Horizon 2020
Coordinator: Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Principal researcher at UL ZF: prof. dr. Tjaša Griessler Bulc 
Period: 2018 - 2023

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Title: Circular City Re.Solution, Implementing nature based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city
Type of funding: COST
Coordinator: BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Principal researcher at UL ZF: prof. dr. Tjaša Griessler Bulc 
Period: 2018 - 2022

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