Prosimo poskrbite, da je na strani omogočen JavaScript, ki poganja dodatek za dostopnost. Brezplačni webinarji WoS v maju 2020

Vabimo vas na brezplačne webinarje Research. Smarter v mesecu maju:


  • 20. maj 2020 ob 10.00 (London time)
    Tips to save hundreds of hours writing research papers
    How long have you spent manually collecting and formatting the cited references in a paper, report or thesis? If you answered more than a few minutes, then this webinar could change your life.
  • 28. maj 2020 ob 10:00 (London time)
    Are people looking at your publications in Web of Science?
    Don’t let your research be mistaken for someone else’s. Discover how to find, track and claim your publications in Web of Science with the new Author SearchBETA and Author Records features.
  • 20. maj 2020 ob 11.00 (London time)
    Hunt down the right research
    Get advanced tricks on how to supercharge every Web of Science search to make sure you uncover the right research. We’ll cover: how to use search operators, how to perform an Advanced Search and everything about the Super Record!



Spletna stran za nemoteno in pravilno delovanje uporablja osnovne nujne piškotke. Obvezni piškotki in piškotki, ki ne obdelujejo osebnih podatkov, se naložijo samodejno, brez predhodne privolitve in z njimi ne obdelujemo nobenih podatkov. Analitičnih piškotkov ne uporabljamo. Več o piškotkih »